Metal Detectors - you should know Videos


Qualities to Look for in a Handheld Metal Detector

Qualities to Look for in a Handheld Metal Detector

There are different types of handheld metal detectors available in the market today. The need for security especially in these days prompts many businessmen to equip security guards with handheld metal detectors which are a lot cheaper than walk through metal detectors. When you are looking for a handheld metal detector, you should know that there are a lot of options you can choose from. Because of this, you might need a few tips:

1.) The look – You should realize that how well a handheld metal detector works can depend on the way that it looks. There are certain types of handheld metal detectors which are designed to work even before they are actually used to scan the body. This may be hard to believe but it is actually quite true.

Some handheld metal detectors are designed to be quite big and menacing in order to discourage people from trying to sneak in weapons. These handheld metal detectors are very effective in attaining this objective. These handheld metal detectors may also be designed to be used alternatively as a blunt weapon.

There are also certain types of handheld metal detectors which are designed specifically to be concealable. These metal detectors are often used to make sure that a person is unaware that he or she is being scanned for weapons. This makes arrests easier since the security personnel are able to maintain the element of surprise.

As you can see, the look of the handheld metal detector actually can achieve much. Because of this, you need to carefully consider what sort of look you want to have for your handheld metal detector.

2.) Effectiveness – Just how effective is the handheld metal detector in pinpointing concealed weapons? The usual problem that people have with old handheld metal detectors is the fact that these metal detectors are designed to give out an alarm when exposed to any metallic object. This means that coins, belt buckles and even brassieres with underwires could trigger a false alarm. A few handheld metal detectors today though, are designed to detect only the types of metals used in deadly weapons such as knives and guns. In order to make sure of the effectiveness of a handheld metal detector, it would be wise to test it first and do some research on it.

3.) Cost – Of course, you have to make sure that the unit price of the handheld metal detector does not go beyond what you have allotted in your budget. This is because you will need to buy a unit for every one of your guards. Make sure that you have enough money to equip what you need. If it helps, you should know that stores often offer discounts for people who buy in bulk. Instead of buying handheld metal detectors one unit at a time, try to calculate exactly how many you will need and buy them all at once. You should also make sure to negotiate with the seller concerning the price.

4.) Useful life – How long will you be able to use the handheld metal detector you are planning to buy? Does the handheld metal detector need a lot of maintenance in order to keep it functional? These questions will help you determine whether or not a handheld metal detector is worth the amount you are planning to spend.


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