Debunking the Myth of 3D Health Risks

As with every new technology that is introduced in the market, it can be expected that there will surface a talk maligning the new technology. It will be said that this technology is full of risks and that could be dangerous. Well a new technology called 3D is not exempt from this rule. The moment this technology has started to gain ground and create ripples in the market, the technology has received a number of not-so good impressions and talks that is keeping consumers wary and attentive at least.

For the part of 3D as a technology, many are saying that there are associated health risks with the technology. Now, is this really the case? Well not quite; there are some studies that do suggest that if you watch 3D under normal conditions then you don't have to worry about the health risks.

For the past few months, there were some announcements that were made against the technology. For example, they are saying that the prolong use of the technology can alter the person's perception, and could lead to accidents. They are saying as well that 3D viewing should be off-limits to those under the influence of alcohol and for the elderly and the epileptic.

But there are some studies conducted, including the done by The Vision Center in the University of Sydney which are saying that the long term use of the technology will not have an impact on the user. The study added that there will be no health risks if the immersion with the technology will be for a few hours every day. Once it is for a very long period of time, then it can be expected that there will be serious complications. Well this can be expected from anything that has been abused, right?

Majority of the health concerns associated with the technology can be traced to the virtual reality goggles. These carry small screens that are positioned in front of the two eyes, and each present a different image to your eye. If these are viewed at a closer range, the two images are yoked together and the brain adjusts to focus on the object and sense its depth.

But when seen from afar, the eyes will be much safer since the eyes will be pointing in parallel. And since most of the 3D viewing experience is done from a distance, the there should be no concern for stressing the eyes.

Now in order to lessen the impact of the technology on the eyes, it is recommended that the user should be at a safe distance from the personal computer-equipped or the television equipped with 3D. The recommended distance for healthy viewing should be two to three meters. It is also recommended that this new technology should be used wisely and cautiously at home since children may be affected as well. It is best to limit the number of viewing hours for the kids to avoid issues. Remember that 3D viewing is okay, provided if done right.


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