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How to Stop Bad Breath Now

How to Stop Bad Breath Now

The success of bad breath treatment products does not rely on the price tag printed over them. It relies on how well you know about your condition and how faithful you are in doing the right thing to kill it. Stopping bad breath relies on 2 things: first, finding the cause of your condition; and second, treating it the right way

1. Finding the cause of your condition.

Bad breath could only be stopped if you know where to start. And knowing where to start relies on knowing the cause of bad breath.

Bad breath is usually caused by poor oral hygiene. This means that you do not clean your teeth and your mouth the way you should or you are not treating your teeth and mouth the way they should be treated.

Poor oral hygiene can result to the increase of anaerobic bacteria that break down sugar and protein from the food particles left inside your mouth, particularly in between your teeth and at the back of your mouth. This would then result to the production of volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs), which would then be the cause of bad breath. If you do not brush your teeth as you should, if you do not clean your tongue, and if you do not floss, then it is possible that your bad breath is the result of poor oral hygiene.

Oral, nasal or throat condition can cause bad breath even if you are practicing good oral hygiene. Such conditions include canker sores, upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, mononucleosis, tonsillitis, strep throat, nasal discharge, and sinus infection.

Certain diseases can cause bad breath as well. Such disease include kidney failure, lung liver failure, lung infection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia,

Smoking tobacco products, eating certain foods such as onion and garlic, drinking soda and coffee, and using mouthwash with too much alcohol content can cause bad breath as well.

2. Treating it the right way.

Stopping bad breath that is caused by poor oral hygiene is easy. Brush your teeth every meal, use dental floss at least once a day, use oral antiseptic that does not dry your mouth, and have your dentures checked by your dentist. These things will ensure that your teeth stay healthy, clean, and properly maintained to stop bad breath.

If your bad breath is caused by certain oral, nasal or throat condition, then have it cured immediately. Usually, once any of these conditions are treated, the bad breath goes with it.

Kidney failure, lung liver failure, lung infection, gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia are major diseases that may not come away in days, or worse, would require a series of medical treatments. If you have any of these and you have a bad breath, ask your doctor the right thing to do to stop bad breath.

What you put to your mouth decides the smell of your breath. So if you want to stop bad breath, then avoid particular foods and drinks. Quit smoking, stop drinking coffee and soda, and avoid foods that can cause you that foul smell such as cabbage, onion, and garlic. Switch to tea. Eat fruits and vegetables that contain natural fiber.

Also, you can make your own toothpaste and mouthwash. A mixture of 3 parts baking soda and 1 part salt is an effective alternative for toothpaste. An aloe vera juice mixed with water is an effect mouthwash.

Finally, make sure that you maintain an "anti-bad breath" habit to stop bad breath once and for all.


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