Just Normal? What Causes Behavior Problems

Behavior problems can be exhibited by both children and adults. It may start early and can happen even to young children. They would display unruly, rude behavior and may throw frequent tantrums. Meanwhile, adults may still show behavior problems which can deeply affect their social interactions.

How could you identify if a child is already showing signs of problems? If a child is behaving out of his normal behavior and would make serious offences even though they know the rules inside the house, school or community, you could start wondering if it is just part of being rebellious because of their age. If s/he continues to show the behavior even after a few months, then it may be more that curiosity and mischief.

For adults, most of the behavior problems are caused by medical and psychological disorders, like dementia, adult ADHD, or anti-social personality disorder. For treatment, several cases would require medications prescribed by physicians or mental health professionals. Therapy is the most common way of addressing behavioral disorders.

There can be serious effects on the social relationship of the person with behavioral issue. They have difficulties in maintaining relationships like making friends or getting into a commitment. But what causes these problems? There are different possible causes of behavior problems, here are some possible causes.

? Grief over a loss of something or somebody important. Death of a parent, family member, close friend or loss of house and property are something which could cause a person to feel frustrated, angry, insecure and be afraid. There are children who would not show immediate response to loss, but would eventually develop agitated attitude as an outlet of their emotions. In these cases, they need reassurance, security and comfort.

? Medical conditions. Pain, discomfort, poor memory, memory loss, and loss of verbal and even physical skills could lead to development of behavior problems. Medications could also result in changes in attitude as a side-effect. If caregivers, family members would fail to address pain and discomfort, it could result into restlessness, frustration and aggression. It is important to observe them and look for signs which could help caregivers ease their distress and pain.

? Psychiatric conditions. Those with existing psychiatric problems like schizophrenia or depression have tendencies to be agitated and aggressive. Work closely with your physician about medications. Aside from medication, reassurance and encouragement could also help them.

Another possible reason would be exposure to television. The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages children under two years old to watch television for more than two hours a day. A study published in Pediatrics, showed that those who watch more than two hours of television a day from ages 2 ½ until 5 ½ are more likely to develop problems in sleeping, attention and could become aggressive.

The environment in general has significant impact on our behavior. Major social like the school could influence on how we act and relate to other people. What happens in community contributes into the individual?s growth and development.

It is likely to develop behavior problems if we are continuously exposed to poverty, neglect, stress, inconsistent expectations, confusion, and abuse. For example, there are some children of divorced parents who would also show problems in committing into relationships once they grew up.

Since collective pressure and social issues can result into behavior problems, it is important to overcome it collectively, too. It is important for family, friends and teachers to reassure and help those who have problems face the challenges and overcome them.


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