Becoming More Than A Worry Freak Is A Reason To Get Worried

Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD, is a behavioral problem that is characterized by excessive anxiety and worry that lasts for six months or more. The cause is usually unknown, unless the patient undergoes psychotherapy, physical examination, or counseling, in which the cause or causes of GAD will be revealed.

Being worried happens to almost all of us. It is a very common phenomenon that happens due to changes (or lack of it) in the environment. We often worry about our work, our family, money, health, and other responsibilities that we encounter in our day to day living. However, when one experiences extreme tension due to worrying, and the anxiety attacks more often than necessary, then one could already be having GAD.

Studies have shown that women are twice likely to have GAD than men. People with existing panic disorder, depression, phobias or other psychiatric disorders are more prone to GAD. This condition often starts during childhood or adolescence. However, it could also start at any age on a case to case basis.

In order to check if you are already an unfortunate candidate of this disorder, you have to ask yourself the following questions:

? Has this excessive anxiety been going on and off for the past 6 months or so?
? Do you often experience the following: restlessness, muscle tension, irritability, unusual fatigue, disturbed sleep, and difficulty in concentrating?
? Does your constant worrying already affect your way of living?
? Are you having difficulty in controlling your anxiety?

If you answered yes to the 1st, 3rd, and 4th question, and picked 3 or more factors in the 2nd question, then you may indeed be suffering from General Anxiety Disorder.

Nevertheless, people who are showing signs of GAD need not worry for this disorder has several treatments and prevention. Undergoing psychotherapy is one way to focus on the source of the problem and solve it. Psychologists or psychiatrists might use a cognitive-behavioral approach for this type of disorder, since the approach is more problem-focused. For more severe cases, the psychiatrist may suggest taking antidepressants in small doses for a certain period of time.

In order to avoid Generalized Anxiety Disorder, open communication channels and good support groups are the way to go. Find a way to release your tension and anxiety, be it through exercise, arts, and engaging in other fun, safe activities and hobbies. Another way would be by having open communication with your support group, which may consist of family, friends, co-workers or classmates and teachers. Talk to them, especially when something has been worrying you for quite some time already. Sharing the burden with the people you trust will definitely lighten your load. And lastly, stay away from negative people, or an environment that brings you down.

Prevention is always better than cure. Learn to read the signs of General Anxiety Disorder and be aware of how it could be prevented. Worrying may keep one alert and on the lookout for possible dangers, but too much of it is bad for your mental and physical health.


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