What to Expect from the Most Popular Cardio Exercise Equipment

Are you considering buying and using particular cardiovascular exercise machines? You should be aware that there are just too many of them. You could not possibly choose, buy, and use all. It would be appropriate if you choose one and decide to use it regularly. To be able to make the best choice, it would be helpful if you would know what to expect from several of the most popular cardio exercise equipment available.

The treadmill

This machine burns the greatest amount of calories compared to other cardio exercise equipment around. Simply by walking briskly, you could already burn up to 100 calories per mile. What?s more ideal about this tool is that the speed could be adjusted to various levels for better outcomes. One setback is that heavy use of treadmill could bring about unlikely pain or discomfort in your lower back or knees.

Stair steppers and elliptical machines

These equipments could serve as good alternatives to the popular treadmill. Because you are using them while in a standing position, you would be prompted to use more muscle mass. This way, the rate or calorie burning could remain high. Elliptical machines with added arm components could help burn much more calories. The setback is that these machines could pose unlikely impact to the joints.

Stationary bikes

These machines are simply described as less intense in terms of calorie burning compared to other cardio exercise equipment. You would have to pedal up to four miles just to burn about a hundred calories. Stationary bikes could be less effective than treadmills but many people prefer to use them because they are fun and exciting. The common setback to the use of these bikes is that there could be possible knee strain.

Rowing machine

Many people are misled about how a rowing machine really works. The usual misconception is that the tool is primarily designed to facilitate an upper-body workout. In reality, rowing machines are actually advanced cardiovascular exercise machines. You would be required to use more muscle groups. Hence, you could burn more calories. The common setback is that extra weight brings about back pain. There could even be muscle spasms on the upper-body area.

Versa climbers

These cardio exercise equipments are among the best and most effective cardiovascular machines available. The tool is designed in a way that would facilitate you to take a movement as if you are climbing vertically. Your body would be prompted to work against gravity. Thus, there is more work and more calories are burned. By using the lower and upper bodies equally, you could significantly boost your heart rate very quickly.

Have you made up your mind? Which of the above-mentioned cardio exercise equipment would be best for you? You have to make the decision on your own. You would be the one using the machine. You need not depend on what your doctor, friends, or colleagues would recommend. Make the best and wisest choice now.


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