Chinese Tea - you should know Videos


Chinese Slimming Tea: Burn Extra Fat and Calories

Chinese Slimming Tea: Burn Extra Fat and Calories

Did you know that drinking Chinese tea, in particular, help you lose weight and get slim? Well, several researches have found out evidences that could associate Chinese tea to weight loss. Some of these evidences showed that Chinese teas can help you burn fat and calories.

A recent scientific study particularly supports the ability of the Chinese green tea to burn fat and increase metabolism. According to it, the catechin polyphenols in green tea extract may alter the body's use of norepinephrine, which is a chemical transmitter in the nervous system, to increase the rate of calorie burning. In their conclusion, the scientists who conducted the study stated that green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content. The green tea extract nay play a role in the control of body composition through sympathetic activation of thermogenesis, fat oxidation, or both.

With a number of evidences that could like Chinese tea to weight loss, it's no wonder that today Chinese slimming tea are becoming highly available in the market. These Chinese slimming teas are manufactured usually with the combination of traditional Chinese herbs, and are intended for those who wish to lose weight and get slim.

Here are few of the widely purchased Chinese slimming teas available in the market these days:

• Slimming Special Tea - This Chinese slimming tea is a combination of traditional Chinese herbs. The herbs are triple leaf brand teas and are one of the finest qualities to ensure max freshness and flavor. As noted, the herb combination is considered to produce the most satisfaction from an all natural beverage. Experts, however, recommend to include plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and water in your diet. This Chinese slimming tea is now available at

• Slimming Tea - This dietary supplement is made from natural Chinese herbs reinforced with Panax Ginseng. Accordingly, this Chinese slimming tea harmonizes the needs of losing weight as well as to maintain good health. It also makes an excellent Chinese herbal slimming tea by regulating the appetite and having gentle diuresis as well as laxative effect. However, it is necessary to note that with the intake of this Chinese slimming tea, an increased bowel movement may be experienced during the first few days. Shortening the steeping time will reduce this effect. This product is now available at

• Super Slimming Tea - Just recently introduced their Super Slimming Tea which is a combination of traditional Chinese herbs. The herbs in this blend were used to help promote cleansing, detoxification, as well as healthy digestion. To mention, this Chinese slimming tea is formulated with licorice root, the well-known "Great Detoxifier" in China. Aside from that, orange peel was used to help promote healthy digestion, and combined with the other herbs, yield with a robust taste. As claimed by the Triple Leaf Tea, this product is their most potent Chinese slimming tea.

There are other brands of Chinese slimming teas in the market these days. However, there is actually no such thing as "weight loss" food or product. Thus, it is still recommend that when dieting, you follow a balanced weight loss diet and the advice of your healthcare professional. Along with Chinese slimming tea, be sure to include plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, and pure water.


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