Dental Implants as Part of Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental implants are one of the most popular services and products in cosmetic dentistry. They are teeth-like materials that are attached permanently to the gums to act as replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants are more like dentures, but are different in that they are permanently fixed into gums and are not removable unless under the assistance of a dentist. Usually, oral implants are made of titanium, one of the rare metals that are appropriately tolerated by the human body.

Who are candidates to have dental implants? The procedure is available for people who have lost teeth due to an injury, a disease, or some other reasons. Implants are ideal options if you want to have natural-looking and natural-feeling false teeth, something that could not be possible by just merely using dentures. In other cases, people who are not contented with how their teeth are aligned opt to take dental implants. Logically, their natural teeth will have to be removed first before implants are put into place.

There are two general types of dental implants available today. First, the Endosteal uses cylinders, screws, or blades in surgically placing prosthetic teeth into the jawbone. Because of this, an implant is holding one or more false teeth. Endosteal is the most prevalent type of dental implants and is used as an effective alternative for people with existing bridges and removable dentures.

Subperiosteal dental implants are surgically placed on top of the patient's jaw. They are metal framework that protrudes through the gum, facilitating or holding the false teeth. This second type of dental implants is more recommended and applied to patients who are found to have minimum bone height. People who are not able to wear any kind of removable dentures are qualified to have subperiosteal dental implants instead.

Dental implant procedures could be a little complicated and could require application of anesthesia. It is important that only qualified, accredited, and well-trained cosmetic dentists or orthodontists conduct the procedures. Dental implants have been around for more than three decades. The number of qualified dentists performing the activity is still low, but through the years, more and more dentists are undergoing post-graduate courses and training so they could very well conduct the procedure. Take note that dentists with post-graduate degrees are the only ones qualified and skilled to perform the procedure.

These days, dental implants are also regarded as an effective strategy in orthodontics. In many cases, the implant are used to simplify or streamline any orthodontic therapy, decreasing treatment frequency and eliminating dependence on patients' compliance in wearing orthodontic appliances and making adjustments. When there is a need for any tooth replacement, dental implants are recommended and applied by orthodontists.

Are you ready to have dental implants? If you are not confident in your own smiles because of your missing teeth, or if your dentures do not allow you to chew, speak, and smile comfortably, it is time you seek cosmetic dentists who are licensed and qualified to perform the procedures for the implants. It is a good thing cosmetic dentistry has this service.


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