Square Dance Lesson ? Where To Find One and What Can You Expect?

Introduction to Square Dancing

Square dance is a classic art and dance form that was popularly paired with country and western American music. It involves vigorous dance routines in a single set that is performed by a group of four couples. Hence, each could make up one side of the square, which explains the name for this particular dance style.

When performing square dance, there is a caller nearby that calls out instructions to the dancers through the microphone to ensure cooperation amongst all dancers. Thus, the dancers on the floor has to perform whatever dance moves, spins, steps, and turns that is being called out by the instructor.

History and Evolution

This dance form has a long history that dates back to the 17th century, wherein it evolved from a different dance style known as quadrille. It also distinctively featured dance moves extracted from the Morris dance that was innovated around the same time period. As this particular dance style grew on popularity and was introduced in the US, more steps were added and some regions might even have their own variety that is distinct from the others. As it was introduced in the west, more square dancing forms were developed.

The traditional form of square dancing was most popular in the Appalachians, though. It often involves clogging and could either be done in quadrille form or not, but are combined with Scottish or Irish music. The western variety of square dance was distinct for its use of intricate footworks, which depend on the moves being called out by the caller on a microphone. Between 18th to 19th century in the US, this dance form was performed informally.

Role of Instructor or Caller

The caller plays one of the most vital roles during performance of square dance, hence each aspiring dancer need to understand what their role is. The main rule in square dancing is simple: listen to the caller!

Aside from calling out the moves to be performed by the caller on the floor, it is also the caller's responsibility to gauge the progress of a student. This will help a student's learning pace and to speed up the process of improvement with their learning. Hence, student dances are often recommended by callers for beginners to ensure that they begin at a level that they can handle.

Square Dance Lesson

When you choose to enter into a square dance lesson, it is important to equip yourself with the basic knowledge of what goes on during each session so you can come into each class well prepared. Most square dance lessons are sponsored by dance clubs that specialize in this particular dance style. As the caller instructs basic calls, the student gradually makes their way to the mainstream level. From the mainstream level, you move onto the Plus level.

The period of transition between each dance level would vary based on the intensity of the classes, number of students, and the skill level of the student. The level at which the caller is teaching could also be an important factor. It is not only beginners that enroll into a square dance lesson, experienced square dancers also attend these classes with the hope of learning new techniques and enhancing their skill level.

Enrolling into a Square Dance Lesson

If you are interested in attending a square dance session, below are some tips on finding classes to enroll into. Furthermore, you need to consider basic factors when choosing the right class for you:

? You can inquire into existing dance clubs in your area and ask if they offer classes for beginners. Obtain contact details of the individuals concerned and ask them about specifications to your class.

? Ask them about the frequency of your class. Some might be held daily or bi-weekly, so you must choose depending on your personal schedule.

? Inquire into the cost of the program, as well as the mode of payment.

? Look into possibly getting free lessons, on top of your regular sessions.

? Seek professional opinion from square dancers about the level at which you must begin with. Hence, you can adapt learning at your own natural pace and have more fun with your square dance lessons.


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