How To Draw A Simple Family Tree

Fammily tree charts are a great way for learning a great deal about your family?s ancestry and lineage. Building a family tree also serves as and exciting and interesting activity for the family, because it allows your kids, nephews and nieces to appreciate your family?s history and background, and it?s also great for promoting healthy family pride. Today, it?s easier to build a family tree, regardless of whether you?re collecting information about your family?s past, or if you?re organizing all the information in a simple, but informative tree or diagram.

Stesp for Drawing A Simple Family Tree

You can organize your kids and your nephewes or nieces, into a family tree-drawing activity. But before you let the kids scribble and draw lines on paper, first determine if you?re drawing your immediate family mmbers only, or if you?ll be including your grandparents and earlier family generations. Also find out whether your family tree will include your uncles, aunts, cousins and other relatives. Here are simple, easy-to-follow steps for drawing a simple family tree.

- Begin with yourself. Draw a rectangle located in the bottom half center of the paper. In the rectangle, label your name, or you may also wish to include your siblings, especially if they don?t have children. You could also draw two more rectangles connecting the rectangle.

- Draw A ?T?, and add two suqares on each end. The two squares will represent your parents. However, if you only have one parent, you may wish to draw a straight line and one square, to represent you and your parent.

- Draw a ?T? above each of your parents, and also draw another set of squares below, to represent your grandparents.

- You can also begin with whatever first-hand information you have at the moment.You can list the names and details of every individual in your family?s history, and get your family involved in filling the blanks or making the necessary corrections. Remember that it?s much easier to keep tabs on information about living family members, as compared to getting data on deceased relatives.

- If you?re encountering problems with manually tracing your family?s lineage, you may want to conduct your geneaology research on the Internet. The Internet is filled with lots of useful sites and resources that are dedicated to tracing a operosn?s family history or lineage, and will certainly be of great help in making your quest an easier one.

Thes days, there are different tools and resources for helping you or your family trace your roots and heritage. The choices vary, from Internet ancestry records, to printable family tree charts, and others. Just make sure you follow the required steps, so that you?ll be able to do your lineage-tracing activity in a quick and simple manner.


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