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Day System Trading: What to Expect and Not to Expect

Day System Trading: What to Expect and Not to Expect

There are lots of information circulating the internet about day system trading. So-called “experts” give various tips concerning day system trading and how wonderful it is. However, only some of these bits of information are accurate while some are just pure propaganda (that’s BS for those who want clarification).

First of all, do not expect to become an instant Bill Gates by engaging in day system trading. Many people engage in this activity simply because they think that they can get ultra-rich in their first day. Remember that, like all business ventures, you can’t expect to get it right the first time.

However, you should not also just give up. Given time and experience, you can actually get pretty good at day system trading.

Nowadays, there are ways to gain experience without risking your money. The internet offers diff4erent types of day system trading simulators that let you get the feel of making decisions and watching their effects.

However, in order for any training device or program to be effective, you need to have the proper mindset. Some people do not learn from day system trading simulators because they take an attitude of indifference. You must take training very seriously. Just because you do not lose any real money does not mean you can make decisions based on every whim.

Training programs teach you how to consider every factor ion making decision. They do not teach you what decisions to make on the real world. No simulator can actually compare to the actual environment and tension of day system trading.

In the day system trading business, you need to have the guts to follow your decision. Remember that in order to make money, you need to act. Just standing by is not considered as a moneymaking activity.

People lose money in day system trading. That is a fact. Before you went into day system trading, you knew the risks. After all, you wouldn’t throw your money unless you know the potential risks and returns, right?

However, this does not mean that you should go into heroics and invest your entire life on a whim. You should learn how to minimize the risk of losing money. This is a very delicate matter. If you invest too little on a decision, and you end up being right, you might be disappointed. However, if you invest too much and end up being wrong, you would also be disappointed.

In figuring the right amount to invest, you need to take account of the following:

1) How did you reach the decision?

2) Is your information resource reliable?

3) What could hinder your decision?

4) What alternatives do you have in case your decision is wrong?

By answering these, you will be taking into account every factor in your decision-making process. However, you need to realize that a delayed decision is no good. The speed of day system trading needs you to act fast with your money. So, if worse comes to worst, you need to trust your instincts coupled with whatever fresh information you have available.

Some people find it hard to make rational decisions when in the tense environment of day system trading. Here’s a tip: clear your mind. Some meditation might help you achieve a state of calm and let you make decisions while unaffected by the panic of the people around you.


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