Landscape Design - you should know Videos


A Crash Course to Residential Landscape Design

A Crash Course to Residential Landscape Design

Residential landscape design is not a venture that could be carried out without proper thought. If you desire to reap a fruitful endeavor with residential landscape design, then all you have to attend to is be fully abreast of the details concerning it. This article gives you a crash course for a better understanding of residential landscape design.

The Importance of Analysis

The very first step that you should take is look into the cover before you leaf through the pages of a book. The same goes true with residential landscape design efforts. You need to firstly assess what is available for you to work on, define what you wish to achieve in the end, and the steps that would take you to its achievement. A good residential landscape design is a product of careful planning hence you must be realistic in setting up your expectations.

Enumerate your reasons for wanting a residential landscape design. A perfect landscape is something that would permit you to live outside your home bathed in beauty and comfort. The common reasons for wanting a residential landscape are for recreation, hobbies, entertainment, to lessen noise, heighten the level of privacy, make it as a means of living, improve home security, and hide some unpleasant views. Many people get excited upon the thought of pursuing a plan for landscaping their homes yet they later on realize the complexity of the venture. Now whether you would do it yourself or get professional service, it matters that you provide yourself with some crash course know-how on the matter.

Identify the potentials of your property and those that require improvement. Residential properties certainly have their merits and demerits. There may be good and bad views, promising or unpromising land, and the likes. Therefore, you have to make your intentions clear so that you'll set off with the task smoothly.

Aim for practicality. You would not go for a residential landscape design only for ornament. You need to bear in mind that you have to live with it thus it must suit the needs of your family.

Setting the Goals

Before you push through with your plan, you must make clear the goals that you want to achieve. After which, you could now decide on which tasks to fulfill. You need to ensure that your objectives are all met in the end.

Deciding on the Form of the Residential Landscape Design

There are several forms of landscape design fit for a residence. Your choices include the Mediterranean, urban, formal, personal, southwestern, modern, rustic, Japanese, cottage, subtropical, and courtyard. With respect to your chosen option, you must incorporate the rightful materials for the construction.

Employ the Principles of Landscape Design

When thinking about the construction and materials for your landscape design, apply the principles of unity, balance, variety/contrast, and proportion.

Look into the Materials

You need to bear in mind that the materials that you are to use must jive with the theme of your choice. It would prove helpful if you take a tour at the various construction supply stores to help you decide further. As for the plants, you've got a variety of choices of either the annual or perennial, or the combination of both.

Bear these pointers in your mind and come up with a functional and aesthetic residential landscape design that your whole family could enjoy.


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