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Essential Paintball Supplies on the Field

Essential Paintball Supplies on the Field

You have your marker, your gear and you think you're ready to go play paintball. Do you really think that? Have you forgotten that you also need to have the right paintball supplies in order to truly be ready for the game? If so, then you might want to read on and find out about the different paintball supplies you are going to need.

1) Paintballs –the first paintball supply that you should consider bringing is more ammo. Although your paintball marker may have a large capacity in terms of ammo, you have to realize that sooner or later, you are going to run out. Bringing this type of paintball supply is critical in order to make sure that you don't run out of ammo in critical moments. Imagine chasing after your opponent and cornering him or her only to find that you don't actually have any paintballs left to tag him or her.

Taking this paintball supply with you will help you make sure that you will always be able to take a shot when the opportunity comes. It is, after all, the little things that decide whether you emerge from the paintball field a winner or a loser.

2) Gas – paintball markers make use of compressed guns in to launch the paintballs. Each paintball gun, however, can only load a certain quantity of gas. When the canister runs out of gas, the only choice left to the player would be to hope that someone gets close enough to enable him or her to throw the paintballs.

In order to prevent this scenario, players take two different measures. One is that they conserve their gas and shoot as few times as possible. They take care with every shot and make sure that they make every squeeze of the trigger count. Another step they take is to include extra gas canisters with their paintball supplies.

Carrying these with your paintball supplies will help you make sure that you don't run out of gas when you need it the most. It is also specially if you arte playing the role of a sniper, using a ported paintball rifle as your weapon. Since ported markers are usually gas hogs, you need to make sure that you have enough for your needs.

3) Batteries – If you are using paintball markers with electronic triggers, or if you are simply playing with night-vision equipment, it is important to make sure that you will be able to power the equipment you have. Including extra batteries in your paintball supply pack makes sure that you have enough juice to keep flowing through the game. Of course, you need to make sure that the batteries you bring will actually be able to power up your equipment. This means that if your equipment requires different sizes of batteries then you should get different sizes.

4) Antibiotic cream and bandages – playing paintball won't get you wounded but all of the jumping and running could get you scratched and bruised. Bringing antibiotic cream and some adhesive bandages as part of your paintball supply pack should help you make sure that even the smallest cut will not get infected. By bringing these items with your paintball supply, you should be able to at least make sure that minor injuries in the field won't get worse.


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