Six Things to Watch Out for to Keep Your Power Generator Running Smoothly When You Most Need It

It?s a good thing that power outages are very rare these days, but when they do happen, they are such an annoyance that they can border on frustration and depression, especially if you have important things to do using your machineries and appliances. So if you have a power generator, you would really expect that it would carry you out of this difficult situation. And the worst thing that could happen is for your generator to go out on you when the power is out.

Well this happens, and commonly too, not because of bad luck, but because of some very common things that could have been easily avoided if you took the time to prevent this from happening. Also, blackouts happen at the worst possible situations, like a storm or blizzard, and you can?t even go out to correct the situation anymore. Luckily though, here is your chance to prevent this from happening.

The first mistake is using cheap fuel or stale and contaminated gasoline. Fuel or gasoline is the lifeblood of your power generator; this is where it gets the energy to provide you with power. Without it, or, using the wrong kind, you can be sure that your power generator would be of no use to you. Many people nowadays would go for cheap fuel because of the economy, that?s very understandable. But, when it comes to a dark situation where your power source is out, the power generator should be able to provide you with a solid performance. Cheap fuel can only go so far as to providng the requirements of many power generators today. Usually, high performance unleaded gasoline is needed with a minimum of eighty six octane rating. Anything lower can cause damage to your power generator because of the deposit build ups on your spark arrestors, plugs, muffler and the valves, costing you even more in the long run. Contaminated gasoline can also do the same, end even more as there are more impurities in it. Plus, your power generator may turn on and off because of this. Stale gasoline will also be less efficient giving sporadic energy when they burn lightly and will cause damage to the parts of your generator, in time, you will see your power generator break down.

Another mistake is to give your generator too much rest. Like a car or any other machine, too much time off can cause it to be damaged when eventually used. Have your power generator turned on at least once a month. Doing so would allow your carburetor to have fresh gas, lubricate the engine and recharge its battery, for those who have electric starters.

Keep proper storage for your power generator. Avoid storage areas where water can get in and excessive humidity. Water is the grave enemy of any electrical machinery, make sure that you store your power generator in a dry place.

Make sure that you have sufficient fuel for your power generator. Try to stockpile fuel for emergency purposes making sure that you check upon them to avoid impurities from getting in and that your fuel is not yet stale.

Never plug your generator to a wall outlet directly. This can create a serious backlash also known as back feeding and pose danger to your family.

Know the wattage limitations of your generator. You can cause serious damage to your generator if you go over the limit and even endanger yourself.


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