Caring Suggestions And How To Keep Your Racing Pigeons HealthyHow can you be the envy of most fanciers in your circuit? Simple; just care for the best racing pigeons and send them to compete. This is easier said than done, but with the right formula at your disposal then it's easy to take the lead in the circuit. It all starts with selecting the best racing pigeons to breed. There are many schools of thoughts that are propagated right now on how to carefully select the best breed. Though the suggestions are varied, it all boils down to the birds' ability, the feather and its conformation. In bird selection, you can never go wrong with the ones that have a lineage- racing pigeons that come from that illustrious family of race winners. If you don't know someone that breeds these top quality birds, then the second option for you is to go downtown and check out the lofts that breed these birds. One tip to follow is to ask the assistance of someone who knows a thing or two about these birds so that the right ones can be picked. Once the right racing pigeons have been selected, then you have hurdled one stumbling block in becoming the leading fancier in your community. Now selecting the best means you are compelled to ensure that they are well-attended to. This means that raising and maintaining these birds and their lofts should be prioritized. There are a number of suggestions on how you can make this happen in your own lofts. And it's best that you are guided by these when raising your birds. ? Overcrowding the loft is not the best strategy. According to many fanciers, every pigeon should be allotted with at least 1 ½ square feet of space. This means that the space of the lofts will be dependent on the number of birds. ? Supply the birds with the right amount of food. But it doesn't mean that you will have to over-feed these animals. ? Take care of the health of the birds by subjecting them to regular checkups. There are certain vaccination shots that should be enjoyed by these birds including shots for pox and paratyphoid. ? It may be best if you can worm these birds at least twice a year. ? If your budget is more than okay, it is best as well to get vitamins and supplements for the birds. Ask the neighborhood vet for the right vitamins for racing birds. Corollary to this, don't just randomly select vitamins which you think are best but are not. ? And did you know that a piece of garlic can do wonders for the health of your birds? There are some fanciers that attest to the workings of garlic. They say that the consumption of this food item helps the rejuvenation of the blood. Care is not just done prior to racing. Right after racing, racing pigeons deserve some care and affection as well. Give them enough time to rest and recuperate- after all they have been involved in a very rigorous activity!
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