Providing Quality Food for your French bulldog

There is nothing quite like having a dog at your home. But sometimes, a dog can be a bit of a nuisance too. So if you?re not ready to have a dog just yet, then put your plans off owning one off first. Some people would rather not have a dog just yet even though they are ready for it because they don?t have enough space to spare, but with French bulldogs, with their small stature, even a small home or condo would be sufficient for them.

But aside from providing them with enough space, another consideration and responsibility of owning a dog is providing them with ample nutrients through the food they eat. Like babies, homegrown dogs need to be provided with their food, they tend to lose their hunting instincts and needs to be taken care of. So if you want a healthy dog that would be able to live a long and quality filled life, make sure that you will be able to provide it with top quality food. And remember, quality food doesn?t always mean its expensive, you can be able to provide good food for your French bulldog without having to break your piggy bank.

For French bulldog puppies, it is always best to provide them with dry dog food. They don?t only dispel the nutrients better, but they are also good for the developing teeth of your puppy. And like humans, French bulldog puppies can be picky at times, so it?s also a matter of trial and error which would be able to help you find which dog food your frenchie will actually eat. No matter how nutritious the dog food is, if your dog won?t eat it, then it?s useless.

When you are picking out dog food, read first the labels, there should not be excessive fillers. The ingredients should always contain protein as French bulldogs have muscular bodies that need protein to maintain its healthy body. If you?re able to, try to mix in your dog?s diet some homemade food, this will ensure that there are no chemicals are included in their dinner. A raw diet containing vegetables would also be good for them. This will help prevent the many different health conditions that plague this particular breed.

If you can afford it, try to get the premium brands of dog food. There are less fillers in them, but, if you want to save some money, find dog food that you can afford and compare their labels. See if there is not much of a difference. And when transferring one dog food to another, make sure that you do it gradually. Try to mix in the new with the old bit by bit. This will help your dog to get accustomed to the new taste.

You can try to ask your breeder as well to help you out mixing homemade dog food. They have the proper knowledge in mixing dog food as this is more cost effective than purchasing canned dog food, and healthier too.


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