The Pros and Cons of Owning a French Bulldog

It?s easy to see why many people, even celebrities today, have embraced the French bulldog breed as their companion or pet. They have the same character as bulldogs provide but they are smaller and more lovable. While some may find the American Bulldog?s frame and look to be scary, its miniaturized version, the French bulldog doesn?t give off the same vibe. And another difference that this Frenchie has over its American counterpart is that it is more at home inside the house.

In fact, the average size of a Frenchie in its adulthood would be only about 2 feet up to its highest point. There are even types of French bulldog that are somewhat smaller. They are even lightweight as compared to other dogs, even with their stocky body, they can weigh only about 19 to 22 pounds, the bigger class weight can weigh about 22 to 28 pounds.

And like in any other purchases, you should weigh first the Pros and Cons of a product, or in this case, the dog?s breed, and see if the advantages would be much better in your situation than the disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons that have been noted by most French bulldog owners about their beloved pet. But remember, dogs, like humans, are individuals too and may tend to be different than the others. So what may be a a pro to one French bulldog, may not be present in another, and vice versa.


French bulldogs are generally very intelligent and can be taught easily. They can be very good watchdogs when trained properly. They are also not excessive barker. They bark only when they have something to tell you and that includes having an intruder in your home. French bulldogs also have a good temper and are well behaved. They also like to hunt mice so that means you won?t need a cat. Most of all, French bulldogs are great companion dogs. They are very lovable and cuddly and loves to play. Because of their small stature, they don?t require too much space or a big back or front yard to play or exercise.


The French bulldog can be hard headed and stubborn at times. When not trained well, a French bulldog cannot be relied on as a guard dog. Also, French bulldogs can become gassy, easily get tired and overheated, snores when asleep, and has the tendency to drool.

Plus, because of their body structure and bloodline, French bulldogs are known to be poor in swimming, get problems with breathing, and have trouble producing. They are also known for having a number of health concerns. That?s why they can be quite costly and would tend to require more than normal visitations to a vet.

Thos are just a number of examples that one would find as advantages and disadvantages with a French bulldog. It?s now up to you if you are able to cope with the cons and enjoy the pros of owning a French bulldog.


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The top Considerations when Purchasing a French bulldog
Keeping Your French Bulldog Free from Fleas
Choosing French Bulldogs for Sale Online
Learning About the Allergies that Plague French Bulldogs
Understanding the Responsibilities of Breeding French Bulldogs


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