4 Reasons Why Some People Aren't Crazy About iPad

Many waited in line for the release of Apple's 'revolutionary' tablet PC, the iPad. But many, too, shrugged their shoulders with indifference and dissatisfaction over the fact that this almighty device would not deliver on its promise. Well, these two opposing views clearly show how polarized people are with iPad. Let us take a look at a few things that make iPad a not-so-hot item for some.

iPad 2.0 will be available soon, so why bother?

This is a big issue. The currently released iPad is a big disappointment for many and that doesn?t help much with Apple's efforts to make its newest tablet PC a big hit. Whether the disappointments of the general public ? techies, mostly ? are justified or not, it still hurts Apple's sales. It still, in many ways, discouraged quite a huge number of people from buying the product.

But on top of this issue is the expectation that Apple will release a new, upgraded version soon. (Maybe this time, iPad will come with a built-in camera.) People would rather wait for the upgraded version, which many expect will offer a substantially improved version of its predecessor. Following this line of thinking, people would rather wait for one full year or two than dole out their more than $500 on a device that will soon be replaced.

It doesn?t support Flash.

Ok, big deal. Apple seems to have a thing for Adobe's Flash, a standard on the web. Flash is what most websites and rich media are built with. It's the program that runs videos, audios and games that have saturated the online world. But Apple seems not to like it. The company prefers a more stable, less vulnerable to hack platform. It prefers its own HTML5. It only makes perfect sense that all Apple's products ? iPad included ? runs on this platform and not on Flash.

What most people don?t quite get though is that nearly all websites on the internet use Adobe Flash. For the end users, this means that when visiting websites using iPad's browser, Safari ? glorious and beautiful as it is ? there would still be some problems that may be encountered. Big problems. No Hulu and HBO for now, buddy.

No built-in camera. Na ah.

Before Steve Jobs formally presented iPad to the public, everyone thought it's a no-brainer that Apple will attach a camera to the device. Apparently, iPad doesn?t carry one and there seems to be no clear indication that iPad 2.0 will have one. For now, iPad can?t be used for taking snapshots of yourself or for making video calls over Skype or YM.

You only get to multitask when running Apple's native applications.

iPad runs on iPhone's OS, fine. What is not okay though is that the same limitations on iPhone are experienced with the iPad. Say goodbye to multitasking.

If you are a regular user and if you see iPad as nothing more than a sophisticated, multifunctioning multimedia player/toy/laptop hybrid, it won't be much of a problem. But if you live your life online, you'll be stumped. There is no way you can listen to iTunes while making a video call using Skype.


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