iPad's ShortcomingsWell, even the best computer in the world has its shortcomings. With a promise of harboring new things for personal computing, iPad took center stage and impressed many. But not everyone is happy about what iPad brings to the table. For one, no one is quite sure what role iPad has to fill. What Really Is An iPad? Is it a toy, or is it a personal computer? A replacement for notebooks, maybe? For laptops? No one can quite pin down what exactly iPad does. It is a hybrid of sorts, but no one can truly say what it can do that other devices can't. Even when everyone is clamoring that this device could kill Amazon's Kindle, many from the Kinderworld still swear by the almighty e-ink. Still, even the not so big fans of reading eBooks on iPad think that the thoughtfulness of the technology used to recreate reading on an electronic device makes iPad a decent eBook reader. Issues With Portability It looks very much like an iPod Touch, only it is about 4 times bigger. But it is not an iPod Touch and certainly has more functions than iPod Touch offers. Besides, it doesn?t even have SMS so there simply is no way it can be an android phone, a hybrid phone even. Also, unlike the iPod Touch, it is not as portable. You can't carry it around, not even in your pocket. It has the same portability issues as its heavier cousins ? laptops and netbooks. Even around the house, people have difficulty carrying it around. It is too expensive to carry without a case ? it's quite heavy, its slippery and looks very fragile. It is a very impressive feat of engineering, though. No one can doubt that. At .5 inch thick, iPad stores so much power in it that it is virtually a go-to device when some work have to be finished or when you need a hand for your procrastination. But it?s not just light enough. Surely, anyone who holds this device with one hand for a few hours while reading an eBook or watching a movie will get tired of the weight. Even when you place it on your lap, a few hours can kill your legs. Still, it would be so much to ask when you have a powerful device that can give you superb web browsing experience, brilliant applications, and whatnot and not be content with its .5 inch thickness and it?s a little more than a pound of weight. The Problem With The Screen Too much glare. Susceptibility to fingerprints. Vulnerability to cracking. Too slippery. The list could go on. The main thing that makes iPad a very handsome device is what many of Apple products' detractors hate about it. And comparisons are always made about how Kindle can fare better under the sun. But really, when you take all these things away from iPad, you are already asking for a perfect tablet PC. A perfect device that can do nearly all things other devices can do without giving you so much as a small problem. And to think that it is just the second tablet PC Apple has developed, it sure is a giant leap for personal computing devices. But we are humans. Although we are not perfect ourselves, we expect for companies like Apple to produce perfect devices that no one can complain about, ever.
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iPad's Shortcomings
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