Law School - you should know Videos


Inexpensive But Not Cheap

Inexpensive But Not Cheap

The Massachusetts school of law has the claim to being the most inexpensive of all law schools in New England. This means that the Massachusetts School of Law can provide education for those people whose economic status prevents them from attending other law schools. This means providing a lot of people the opportunity to make their lives better by learning the practice of law.

The Massachusetts School of Law instructs its students through the following methods:

1) Classroom instruction – Probably the oldest of techniques, the Massachusetts School of Law utilizes this method of instruction to instill the basics and the theories of practicing law to the students. This helps the students get an idea of what the practice of law is supposed to be. This equips them with what they have to use in the profession.

2) Simulated client experiences – This helps the student bridge the gap between the classroom and the field. Through simulated client experiences, the students of the Massachusetts school of law begin to understand how the basic theories and concepts are applied in the practice of law. They learn what is right and what is wrong in an environment where a mistake will not mean the loss of a client.

3) Live client experiences – Sooner or later, law students have to get actual hands-on experience. In the Massachusetts School of Law, students are given the opportunity to participate in legal clinics where they can apply the knowledge and the skills that they have obtained to real life situations. They give free legal advice to people and receive experience in return. This prepares them for the inevitability of facing reality.

The Massachusetts School of Law is committed to equipping people with socially disadvantaged backgrounds with the skills that they need to enter the world known to those people with law degrees. This commitment can be seen in the way that the Massachusetts school of law has continually battled any injustice or bias in the world of law. They have continually disputed with the American Bar Association regarding the standards that the ABA sets which seem to be biased against minorities and low-income students.

The Massachusetts School of Law is certainly a law school for the people. Some people who equate price with quality may think that the Massachusetts School of Law offers low quality education. However, this is not true. There is a huge difference between being inexpensive and being cheap. The Massachusetts school of law makes high quality education affordable to everyone.

One thing that makes the Massachusetts School of Law unique is the fact that it does not place value in the traditional Law School Admission Test which is usually a requirement for admission to other law schools. In fact, the Massachusetts School of Law administers its own essay test and requires that each applicant be interviewed. They judge an applicant based on these tests and the following qualities:

1) Life experiences – A person's past experiences do reflect a huge part of his current and future actions. The Massachusetts School of Law attempts to get a glimpse of the person by learning about motivations. What made a person do things in the past may drive him to do other things in the future.

2) Academic Performance – A person's scholastic records are reviewed to see what sort of student he could potentially become. As with other law schools, the Massachusetts School of Law wants to produce the best crop of lawyers. Because of this, they need the best young minds.


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